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June 21, 2022
7 mins

7 Transformative Insights: Elevating Funeral Services with Positive Concierge Aftercare


Let's face it, no one wants to be a consumer in the funeral home industry. It's not like shopping for a new car or booking a holiday. But when the inevitable rolls around, everyone wants a service that's not just respectful but also understanding, thoughtful, and above all, personal. This is where 'concierge aftercare' can be a game-changer. Confused? Intrigued? Hold onto your hats, because we're diving deep into this unconventional, yet indispensable, approach that can distinguish your funeral home from the rest.

Breaking the Taboo

When someone mentions a funeral home, it’s often sombre faces and hushed tones that come to mind. Well, it's high time we broke that mould. Funeral services are not just about the deceased; they're equally about the living—the bereaved families who need as much care as the departed, if not more.

What on Earth is 'Concierge Aftercare'?

Glad you asked. In luxury hotels, a concierge's job is to make your stay as comfortable as possible. They're the go-to for everything from dinner reservations to emergency dental appointments. Now, imagine providing a similar, 'anything-you-need' service, but for grieving families. Mind-blowing, right?

Tailoring Emotion

The death of a loved one is a complex maze of emotions. Not everyone navigates it the same way. Some might want to dwell on old photos, others may need to talk it out, and a few might find solace in complete silence. Concierge aftercare is all about recognising these individual needs and responding in kind. Think personal grief counselling sessions or a memorial website to celebrate the life of the departed.

Actionable Compassion

Here’s where it gets real. Offering tea and lending a sympathetic ear is great, but what about helping with the paperwork or recommending an estate clearance service? This is not just compassion; it's compassion that you can touch, feel, and importantly, measure.

Partnerships That Count

You can't be a jack-of-all-trades, but you can certainly collaborate with experts. Partner with local therapists, legal consultants, and other professionals who can provide real value to your clients. This not only expands your service offerings but also solidifies your position as a full-service funeral home.

Digital Adoption: Beyond the Basics

An online memorial is good, but a personalised app with a virtual memorial service, condolence book, and perhaps a feature for charitable donations? Now that's the 21st-century way of immortalising memories. Also, it sets you miles apart from competitors who are yet to move past the 'pen and paper' stage.

In a Nutshell

Concierge aftercare is not just a 'good-to-have' but a 'need-to-have' in the modern funeral home landscape. It’s like finding an oasis in a desert; a touch of comfort in a terrain of discomfort.

Signing Off

At 3WHs, we don’t just think outside the box; we toss the box out the window. If you're looking to redefine your funeral home services and make a lasting impression, let’s talk.

Until then, remember that sometimes the most groundbreaking ideas come from the places you least expect. So don't be afraid to shake things up; your clients will thank you for it. Cheers!

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